Holiday Sale!!!
The tool effortlessly repairs damaged bolts so you can thread nuts in place, so you don't have to waste time and labor filing threads by hand ever again!
As the old adage goes: Work smarter, not harder!
The tool is a tool bit that simplifies the repair process, drastically shortening repair time, as well as bypassing the need to replace expensive or hard to find hardware while keeping safety at a previously unattainable level.

Effective on:
✈ Stainless Steel
✈ Hardened Steel
✈ Mild Steel
✈ Copper
✈ Brass
✈ Aluminum
✈ Fiberglass
✈ Wood
✈ Plastic

This tool works by way of shearing metal layer by layer. So there are some important things to know about using the Chamfer Tool. The most important thing to know is this: THE SLOWER THE BETTER. Using the lowest speed on your drill (50-400 RPMs), apply decent pressure and the tool will do the rest.
Remember that we’re not making metal pencils; We’re removing damaged threads to allow an easy nut start. Remove only the amount of material from the work piece that you need, and you will preserve the life of your tool.
Most repairs only require removing a single thread. The Chamfer Tool is a cutter, and just like a drill bit it will reach the end of life depending on how you use the tool. Slow speed along with no unnecessary cutting and the use of cutting oil or another lubricant will bring it long life. Refrain from turning every work piece into a pencil, and you’ll keep the Chamfer Tool cutting edge sharp for much longer.
Product details:
- Tool Steel
- Effective up to Grade 8 SAE
- Fits size 8-32 bolts (.164) up to 3/4″-10 (.750) - (4mm -19mm)
- 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed